Running my Legs and my Mouth #thelongrun

First off, a very happy Mother’s Day to the woman behind the Suzlyfe. You all owe your daily ray of sunshine to her, after all.


Love you so much, Mommy!!!!

Have you enter Suzlyfe’s First Giveaway Ever?! You could win a VARIETY CASE OF 479 POPCORN!!


The lovely Ange over at Cowgirl Runs (you know her, you love her) nominated me for a Liebster award last week, and as her questions were of a more activity/running focus, I thought they would be perfect to answer for this week’s Long Run!

1) Tell me about your favourite non-running activity

Does eating count? I’m really really good at it! Had you asked me a few years ago, I would have said that running was my favorite non-riding activity, but a great deal has changed for me in the past 24 months. At this time in my life, yoga is my favorite non-running activity. It challenges me in the best and different ways every day. But I do wish that I could enjoy it with a side of running.

2) What is your favourite animal and why?

I feel like I should say horses, and they probably are, if I am being honest with myself.

regal suz Collage But I am also very much into the cuddling thing, so I would love a Corgi at the moment. But more than anything, I miss my dog Champ.

Champ. No words.

Champ. No words.

If I could pick an animal to have as a pet, without thought of practicality, I would say an otter, dolphin, or an aardvark (mostly on account of the name).

3) Are you loyal to running brands, or do you switch it up?

We’ve discussed this before–I like what I like and I tend to be loyal to brands. That said, I have a lot of great pieces from a lot of great brands:

suzlyfe couture

  • Brooks for shoes as well as accessories (arm warmers, my white hat, jackets, socks) MCM merch recap here

mcm merch Collage

  • Feetures (performance socks)


athleta Collage1

  • Target C9 (Sports bras and various odds and ends)
  • CW-X (Compression pants and shorts)– I own 9 pairs total–all the lengths in multiple weights.

4) What is your dream for your blog?

My dream for my blog is to, at the end of it all, be able to look at it and know that I maintained my integrity and remained authentic and true to myself. I want to look at everything that I have written and be proud not only because I like what I wrote but because I like the person that I am, whoever that may become over time. So a larger goal of my blog would be to help myself evolve as a person and, I hope, as a mentor and a friend. The friendships that I have gained from starting this blog are, to me, the greatest ice cream on the cake (heh heh). I didn’t start this blog to make friends, but it FREAKING ROCKS to feel surrounded by and to engage with such amazing people. But ultimately? Yeah, I’m selfish.

5)  What are you goal races in 1 year, 2 years and 5 years from now?

My goal race for later on this year is, of course, Twin Cities, but at this point I have no idea as to whether or not that will happen. If it is simply a matter of time, and needing just a bit more of it, then I would consider doing the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon. But, that said, at this point, getting to, completing, and coming out of any race, and to do so injury free, is the goal. 2 years from now? I honestly don’t know where I will be–it may likely be time for me to start trying to have a family (gulp) and, if that be the case, I think that will be my goal finish line. Same for 5 years from now. But I hope to continue running as long as I have 2 legs that will carry me.

6)  If you didn’t run, what would you do?

I wish I wasn’t having to discover this right now (to an extent, I can’t be so fatalistic about it). If I didn’t run, I would still be active–yoga, cycling, strength training. I don’t know if I can say that I would be riding, at least not right now. I would be taking walks (I assume that is still an option). But I would still be working toward being a CPT and wanting to help people work to move beyond expectation.

ice cream

Oh hell, we all know that I would be eating ice cream.

7) Tell me about your dream vacation

I was lucky enough to experience my dream vacation last year on my honeymoon. I started to recap it here and here, and I need to continue! 3 nights a piece in London, Paris, and Rome.

What a dump...

What a dump…

The only thing that I would do next would be to switch up the locations: Ireland or Spain, Paris (with time to go to Versailles) and Istanbul. But the trip we had was just magical and everything I could want and more. Check out the recaps!

8) What is your favourite get pumped running song?

Oh! I have so many! Here are a few:

  • “In Da Club” 50 Cent–Try to resist its power. Just try.

  • “Invincible” OKGO!–give it a little bit of time, it builds. Also, watch the music video

  • “By the Grace of God” Katy Perry–got me through my marathon. Nuff Said.
  • “Fly Away” Lenny Kravitz
  • “All I Do is Win” DJ Khaled
  • “Independent” Lil Webby
  • “Wobble” V.I.C.

  • “Get Low” Ying Yang Twins
  • “Superbass” Nicki Minaj
  • Anything by Ellie Goulding. Bonus points for dubstep remixes.

9) What is your favourite running food product?

Jelly Belly Sport beans, no questions asked. Extreme Beans for races. FRS energy chews are the only other energy supplement that I will use. Non-specialty food product wise, I would say Reeds or Gin Gins ginger chews, butterscotch, fruit tootsie rolls/starburst, and dried mango. It was pretty awesome to get Dunkin Donuts munchkins during MCM, especially because I thought it was water they were handing out. Even though they were yelling “NOT WATER.” It was mile 22 or something, what did you expect?

10) What is your favourite post-race meal or treat?

Sweetfrog (specifically) but froyo in general. Except for last summer when I was working late at the resto and there was a froyo shop on the way home that stayed open til midnight, froyo is totally a splurge for me these days ($$ wise). I’m honestly not too extravagant when it comes to my post race treats–they are mostly things that I love but don’t do everyday because I can do them for cheaper: like a MONSTER gourmet salad bar trip, or a frappuccino (full price, and with protein powder!!),


When I feel the need to be incognito about my compression (but you know that it's there)

When I feel the need to be incognito about my compression (but you know that it’s there)

a cappuccino/Americano, Slurpee especially Cherry Limeade), or making myself pancakes. I use the whole day to refuel, so I’m not all that likely to splurge just once. Definitely a beer/wine/bevy that night 😀

Also, it goes without saying that all of these things must be eaten in CWX and ProCompression gear and Crocs. #classy

Well, a bit less ridiculous than I sometimes am, but don’t worry, I keep extra ridic around just in case.



Friday Favorites and My FIRST GIVEAWAY

**If for any reason you have having difficulty with my site or with gaining entry to the the giveaway, please let me know! I have been trying to get the new site up and running before the giveaway starts!**
PSST you want to read all of this post, I PROMISE!
This week has been a bit of a lull for me, honestly. I’ve been working at the studio, working on the blog, working on myself. But there have been a few real standouts from this week that just make me happy. I think that each day has had something really stellar (and I’m not just talking about #teamstellar) that have just brightening my life, and I want to give shout outs to each of them. Thank you to Heather for hosting this party!
The Little Things. They are life, after all. Like affordable blueberries, having ACV back in my pantry, and the return of spaghetti squash pancakes. And unsolicited generosity.
THIS PICTURE: I literally almost got to the point of being unable to breathe because I was open mouthed silent laughing so hard. A perfect follow up to my post about my past life as a rider. Equestrian humor. But for those of you who haven’t ridden, just know that lunging means something different for us riders, and please take a moment to appreciate the guy’s intensity.
Courtesy of Ange

Courtesy of Ange–I love the dude’s intensity.

Dinner with Alex. I was honestly pretty pissy about a situation with taking my NASM test. Basically, I have been ready to take the test for about 2 weeks now, but I haven’t had my CPR card (from getting certified 2 weeks ago; you need the card to take the test). Well, they SENT the cards on Monday. Clowns. So I called, got my test scheduled, but it is going to be way longer from now than I feel comfortable. To make a looooong story (that I’ve already told) short, I just want to take the darn test. And it is affecting my mood and attitude. I needed to vent, so I did, and then I needed something comfortable–D4 was just the ticket. So were the sweet potato fries and the marg.

d4 burg fri chop suz Collage

People owning their races this weekend, and celebrating major life events. Graduations, first marathons, first 20 milers, PR’s… I was so proud of everyone, and I loved that you all shared your victories!

Little things that pissed me off, and reinforced my direction because they did so. I got an email on Monday from someone close to me that really incensed me and actually quite hurt my feelings. It was from someone that I expect nothing but support from, and it hurt me to feel like she didn’t trust me. And it made me question everything that I am doing with this blog. It made me question my voice. But it also reminded me of the love that this person has for me, of how much I miss being able to just pick up the phone, because this is something that could have been taken care of, and with minimal issue, had we been able to just pick up the phone. All is fine, but it shook me.

Sometimes, we just get pants'ed by life.

Sometimes, we just get pants’ed by life.


This post, and your response. Fear, expectation, and nerves are all major emotions, and ones that I continue to struggle with. But it takes one to know one, and I was so, so appreciative that you all were able to connect with the message. And I want to continue to remind you all to remember that you are not alone when you are struggling-sometimes you need external support, but sometimes internal re-conceptualizing of the situation is what you need. See Monday.


Food prepping for Alex. I am not what you would call a completely “traditional” wifey. But I certainly have some traditional aspects–one of them is that I adore cooking for Alex when I feel like I am distant from him. It is my one moment of connection with him, and it helps me to feel connected with him when I get to see him for 10 minutes/day for a few days in a row. Plus, I get to exercise my creative muscle, clean out the fridge/cabinets, and saves us a little money.


Going back to my favorite yoga class. It just felt so good. And to run on the same day? Winning. And so necessary as I battled with trying to transfer my site, which is not going well, and the holding pattern of the job situation. ETC.

running meme

This post. While, on the one hand, I hesitate to link to it because I don’t want to call more attention to the post than she may be ready for, I have to call out this post by Laura. Both of her posts that day, actually, but this one more than perhaps anything else I have read recently, and even more so following my train of thought coming off of Tuesday’s post. I don’t want to take anything away from her words. If you are interested in my commentary, please feel free to read my comment at the bottom of the post. Beautiful Laura. Just like you.


Getting my content over to the new site. This is still a work in progress, but rest assured I have records of all comments , particularly for purposes of the giveaway!

Summer temps? The thermometer read 90, but I cry foul on that. I would know if 90 happened, especially after this winter. A night when I really really wish Alex had been off. But by the time you all read this, he’ll be done for the weekend!


Alex being done with this ridiculous stint of inpatient med, and especially this week of crazy nights. YAY! Wait, does that mean I have deal with him more now?

Getting to see one of my very best friends. I haven’t seen her since the marathon, and I can’t wait. It is so rare for me to see and have a real conversation with people.

But WAIT! Didn’t Susie say something about a giveaway the past few days?

Crap, I was hoping you all would forget so that I could keep it for myself. BAH.

479 chipotle 2 suz
Well, one this is for sure: I adore 479 Popcorn. I have spoken of it on multiple occasions, and it is absolutely one of my favorite little treats to myself. As a sort of flavor purist and lover of seemingly stranger flavor combinations, I am an ardent fan of  the complexity but also simple deliciousness of each flavor of 479. The founder’s story tells it all:
Over the years, I experimented with making my own organic popcorn and flavoring it with exotic seasonings inspired by my international upbringing and training at Le Cordon Bleu in London. In the process, I came upon the discovery that 479 degrees Fahrenheit is the optimal temperature for popping corn. I knew immediately that this would be the name of my popcorn company, because it reflects the careful attention to detail that I work so hard to incorporate into every single element of the business, from the pristine ingredients to the beautiful packaging to the avid dedication to customer satisfaction.
In short, this is high brow, precision food made for anyone to enjoy. You don’t need the most educated palate to enjoy this popcorn. You need a mouth and taste buds. The rest will follow. This is the perfect way to treat yourself to a gourmet snack that tastes indulgent but will satisfy your sweet or savory tooth and your appetite without overdoing it.
The people at 479 have generously offered to send a variety case to one of Suzlyfe’s followers! OMG I WISH I FOLLOWED MY BLOG. I should get Alex to enter…. Enter below using the Rafflecopter widget, and then investigate the other offerings of the Shape Up For Summer Giveaway Blog Hop. All of the giveaways are “shape up” themed and open until May 25th at midnight–enter as many as you like! You know I am! A huge, huge thank you to the Runaway Bridal Planner and Fit Running Mama for hosting. Good luck to all!
Don’t forget about the Long Run tomorrow! 
Shape Up For Summer Giveaway Blog Hop
Runs: May 9th – 25th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Powered by Linky Tools

Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…

Additional question: tell me 3 excellent things about your week, be they photographic, musical, a blog post, or a snack!

Liebster: Rebooted #Thinkingoutloud

Suzlyfe is going self hosted! Please bear with me and email if you have issues. Thanks friends!

Since things are about to get ait more serious than I typically do for a Thinking out Loud Thursday post, some nonsense first:

  • I am trying to create my self hosted blog. Got the site verified, got into wordpress, started setting things up….OH AND MY THINGS WON’T IMPORT THE ONLY WAY THEY TELL YOU HOW TO DO IT. Why does this always happen with me?
  • Dealing with that is pretty much all that I did yesterday afternoon. Well, that and yoga. Thank god for yoga. And my plie pants. yesyesyes.

athleta plie Collage

  • Spaghetti squash is back. You know what that means…. PAAAANNNNCCCAAAKKKKESSSSSSSS
  • It rained for 10 minutes yesterday. And then the sun came back out. Not even a good “Devil beating his wife” rain. Just weird.
  • If you don’t come back tomorrow for SUZLYFE’S FIRST EVER GIVEAWAY, well, then, we can’t be friends. That’s just all there is to it.

Ok, that should do for now. Check Instagram and Twitter for more hilarity, I’m sure.

And pictures of Zoe, obviously.

And pictures of Zoe, obviously.

I had a bit too much fun with last week’s Thursday Post. And you know I like to talk about myself. So the fact that some of my new Girls Gone Sporty #teamstellar co-members are encouraging both of these things make be only so much more happy to oblige! I decided, however, that I would break up their questions into individual posts so that I can give sufficient time to each, and also to spare you all ear-bleeding boredom. So for this week’s Thinking Out Loud Thursday, I am going to cover the questions posed by Christina of BodyRebooted, on Saturday, Ange of Cowgirl Runs will come on Saturday for The Long Run Series, and finally, Lynda of Fitness Mom Wine Country will come next week.


And now…..drumrolllllllllllll please!

1) Who inspires you and why?

I hesitate to say any single person in particular. There are certainly people that I admire beyond consideration, but to say that a person inspires me, that is a far trickier question. And to hold them to being my inspiration is setting myself and them up for failure, and that isn’t fair. But so as to not seem like I am avoiding the question, here would be my answer: I admire and am inspired by the strength in people, their will to persevere. I am someone who considers herself to be a strong and willful person, but I am so in awe of people who honestly don’t take no for an answer and are able to just make things happen. And make it look effortless. I feel like so much of my life and my actions are so effort-ful, and obviously so. Innate talent boggles my mind.

This lady exudes strength. She gave birth to me, after all.

This lady exudes strength. She gave birth to me, after all.

2) What song gets you pumped up to workout?

Depends on the day! I will actually answer this in far greater detail on Saturday, but I love any song that has a great rhythm in tune with whatever I am doing, involves someone belting something out for everything they are worth, and transports me somewhere else. That can be as silly as “Obsessed” by Mariah Carey (it came on my phone a few days ago, was legit dancing in the freeweights), “Get Stoned” by Hinder, “Cruise” by Florida Georgia Line and Nelly, or something by Blackmill.

3) What is on your bucket list?

Having a family. Being a mother. Being proud of who I am as a person throughout the course of my life. Action-wise? Living in my dream house. Taking my children riding. Running my second marathon. Skydiving.  Living without fear but with excitement.

4) What are your goals for 2014?

To get a job–a real job, one that I am proud of and that I feel is representative of ME. I feel like I have never had a job that truly represented me and all of the hard work that I have put in throughout my life. I am tired of feeling like I have to make an excuse for myself. I know that I shouldn’t feel this way, but it is hard having an Ivy League Masters Degree, degrees from 2 other tops schools, be married to a doctor at a top hospital, and answer “…waitress…” or have to explain that I’m still looking. I know how fortunate I am, but it is exhausting feeling inadequate.


5) What is your favorite quote?

I can’t say if it is the be all, end all, favorite quote ever, but it is the one that inspired my approach to my Crohn’s journey. Jonathon Swift “May you live every day of your life.”

6) Name one thing that you can not do without.

My Husband, Alex. In a fire I would grab him. And the ice cream, my pills, and my external hard drive.

Chelsea Patrica Photography

Chelsea Patrica Photography

7) Share something we don’t already know about you.

I was born with dark brown hair, and because I had a different blood type from my mom, I got IB jaundice and turned highlighter yellow for a spell. Then my hair turned carrot orange, and then finally peroxide blond. This is my natural haircolor (what it is now) but it gets a little bit of help to be even throughout. I have secretly dreamed of cutting my hair JLaw short before, or dying it super dark, but I would never get it back to where it is.

8) Name one thing you really love about yourself.

My ability to buck up after a good cry/rant. I get it the f out, pick myself up, and move on. Ask Alex.

This is what I have reduced the man to.

This is what I have reduced the man to.

9) If you were famous, what would you be famous for?

My freaking awesomeness. I’m not ever going to be number 1 at anything (duh), so I might as well just be freaking awesome. I used to dream about winning the gold medal in show jumping, though.

10) If you could talk to your past self what would you say?

I wouldn’t tell her anything, because that would compromise who I am today.

I've said it before, and I will say it again: My name is Susie, and I don't do quiet.

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again: My name is Susie, and I don’t do quiet.


Now it is time to pass on the love! Because I am going to have a few more opportunities to Liebster around, I am going nominate a handful of GGS ladies now, a handful later, and throw some questions out there for you fishes to gnaw at. And the either/or’s may seem like quick questions, but I want details, people!

  • If you could BE any animal in the world, what would it be?
  • What is your favorite essential oil, and why do you like it?
  • What are 3 questions that you wish you could answer, on any subject?
  • Are you a baker or a cook? Is cooking fun for you, or tiring?
  • What is your favorite Disney movie/character/song (answer all)?
  • A few either/or questions:
    • Seafood or Land animal? If you are a vegetarian, bean or faux meat?
    • Huge zit or sunburn?
    • Toasted or untoasted?
    • Pen or pencil? Paper calendar or virtual calendar?
    • Ice Bath or Deep tissue massage?

NOM (inations)

Ladies, it is my honor to be #GGS and #teamstellar with you. I hope that you find these fun and engaging!

Now, Answer the questions, fools!