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Beneficial Strategic Selfishness: It’s How You #Treatyourselftuesday


Edited to add: Two extra thoughts for you today, my friends:
1) I am proud to be a runner and a marathoner. Whether you run or you know someone that does (thus everyone), today we are Boston Strong. More so than any other day, today I wear my MCM Jacket with the greatest love and admiration for the triumph of the human spirit. Today, I invite you all to be bigger than yourself by being selfish and going for a run. Do something that moves you.
2) OOoooh and happy Tax Day, American friends! Don’t be so selfish you don’t pay your taxes. NOT beneficial, though it may be strategic.

Since my last few #treatyourselftuesday posts have really been focused on material goods, and yesterday’s post (as well as everyone else) frequently discussed the weather, I thought it was high time to treat YOU guys to some of my gifts: my ability to think deep thoughts.

Ps, weather? You treated and then tricked. Not Cool.

You know you still love it (the meme, that is)

You know you still love it (the meme, that is)

Thank you to my fellow Chicagoan Becky for reminding us weekly to engage in a little bit beneficial, strategic selfishness.

Merci, Becky!

Merci, Becky!

What do I mean by Beneficial Strategic Selfishness? That we should all immediately devise strategies for our own personal advancement? Well, yes, kinda. And to the detriment of others, the denial of their wishes? Well, when you put it that way….yes.**

**Disclaimer: obviously, this is to be taken with a grain of salt (not Salt, calm down). Of course, I do not mean that you should go out and start stealing, sleeping with married people, murdering, or other manner of sinnin’ and philanderin’. You a little something called discretion and judgment, people. Or at least don’t link anything you do to me. PLEASE.

Sorry, you know I like a good tangent/diatribe. Back to discussion.

April is National Volunteer Month. It is (typically) the finale of the Lenten season, culminating in Easter and all of the reminders of forgiveness and sacrifice that goes along with that. Spring (also, typically) makes you feel nice and generous because the weather is all nice and such (hah). Students take advantage of that brief lull before finals, and parent take advantage of that last push before the students are set free. In short, it is a time when the world likes to remind individuals to look outwardly and to go out and pay it forward, akin to the holiday season, but slightly different. A balance, once again, of selfishness and selflessness.

Another type of balance.

Another type of balance.

Being no longer in regularized school, unemployed, and basically doing whatever I please (again, you know I don’t mean this to an extreme) for the past 2 months, I am starting to reach that point where it isn’t so much that the honeymoon has worn off, but that I am starting to feel pressure, but also desire, to get going. Pressure because of bills (thanks, Blue Cross Blue Shield, for changing your policies. I really enjoy paying $650 a session for a medication that I cannot be without), but mostly self-imposed: I made the decision NOT to go back to waitressing. To consciously NOT do “whatever it takes” to find a job right now. To spend $$$ on NASM, on yoga training (down the road), on the ridiculous amounts of food that I eat, on physical therapy for a sport that I could just as easily (again, hah) give up tomorrow. To sign up to run another marathon. To create a schedule that currently works for the current me. And to subject you all to the interior of my brain. Daily.

Life is a study of balance: give and take. And as much as we give, in order to retain balance, we must take at times as well, and we must do so without remorse, regret, or trepidation.

Haters gon' hate.

Haters gon’ hate.

Since we moved to Chicago, a move which, I must stress, I was completely supportive of and behind, I have undulated in and out of some pretty deep depressions. When things were good, they were great, and next I knew, I was in tears, striving to fit myself into a situation that I’m damn sure I knew damn well wasn’t damn right for (damn) me, damn it. I just wanted so badly to fit a niche, a home, and to apply this knowledge that I had paid for and that was seemingly dissipating before my eyes. I worked at that restaurant tirelessly–I was so thankful that it was giving me purpose, giving me socialization, filling otherwise empty hours, and leaving me with $$ that I lost sight of what it was really doing: driving me farther from my goals. But? Like I said, give and take–working at that restaurant is enabling me to take these few months off without concern that we will be able to put cat food on the floor. Being selfless enabled me to be selfish in the here and now, and being selfish NOW is perhaps the most selfless thing that I have ever done.

I am a different person that I was 2 months ago. March was one of the most satisfying and wholly-heart-filling months from beginning to end that I have experienced since my wedding. And throughout? Selfishselfishselfish. Trips, chocolate, yoga, presents, dinners out, starting NASM, going to PT, etc. I was doing me. This month? I started a little bit hungover from the overindulgence. But I needed it. And so did Alex. He needed to see me allowing myself to be happy. To take a little time to get my feet back. And to get my confidence, my SUZ back. But I also knew that I couldn’t act that way forever. Nor would I want to. But being selfish? Lead me to two amazing friends, a fantastic weekend with my mom I would not have otherwise had, and a snazzy new haircut.


See? I’m trying to share the spotlight here!

Sometimes, we need to be a bit selfish in order to benefit others as part of a bigger strategic plan. Me working as a personal trainer is not going to be easy: for as selfish a choice as it was, it’s gonna be tough. But I will have a career that I love, helping people in a meaningful way, and I will be able to continue to see my husband, a huge part of the reasoning behind not going back to serving.

A much smaller example: sometimes, I need to just quit asking Alex, “What do you want to do?” and tell him instead, “You know what? I have a great recipe that you would make a perfect guinea pig for. I’ve been thinking about it all day.” And then make him eat Texturized Vegetable Protein. Because it is good for him. Or put beets on a pizza, or sweet potato and peanut butter together, or sweet potato into a quesadilla. You never know–it might become his favorite 😀

Not a food-picture, just funny.

Not a food-picture, just funny.

Moral of the story? Don’t feel bad for being “selfish” and sticking up for yourself. Not speaking up now might seem like a better choice, but then you are building something on a false precedent, a bad foundation. Like not doing clams and then having horrible IT band issues. Give and take, y’all. Give and take.

Pretty picture of spring things that make me happy. Selfish? Yes. But nobody likes winter right now. He is on the naught list. Spring? Get SELFISH.

Pretty picture of spring things that make me happy. Selfish? Yes. But nobody likes winter right now. He is on the naught list. Spring? Get SELFISH.

Now, who wants some ice cream?

How do you engage in beneficial strategic selfishness? 

What is a time when you wish you had been selfish, as being selfless hurt everyone in the end?

Spring Sprang! Then It Sleeted #MIMM

I will spare you all incessant comments on the weather and how glorious it was and how nice it was to be outside without major jacketry on and SHORTS and to feel the sun on your face and non-biting wind in your hair and to lace up your Brooks and hit the pavement and sit outside for lunch and drink a beer in the afternoon….

It's so creepy, it's funny.

It’s so creepy, it’s funny.

Oh wait. Sorry. Yes, well then it sleeted, a cloud came in like a bat out hell (let me tell you, I was outside finishing up my run yesterday when the wind started to blow in, and it was so cold). And we went from this:

From Friday, but you get the idea.

From Friday, but you get the idea.

To this:



I had a fab weekend, despite the split-personality weather. You all know that my birthday and Thursday (“our” birthday, as we declared it) were lurvely, and Friday was pretty solid too. I ran, caught up with Mommy and filled her in on my Saturday post items, went to the grocery store, and did other usual things. Alex got home super, super late–one of his patients (a 25 year old) started to exhibit signs of a stroke, so obviously he was staying. I fixed myself a nice pad thai shrimp stirfry and waited for him to come home. To be honest, I don’t really remember what else I did! I think I was studying, thus the black hole of my memory. Actually, I just remember, I spent some time deleting all of the photos from my phone (yes, on purpose). I’m hoping it will help it run faster and with less battery-suckage. We shall see. Still, impressed with myself as always, and as I should be.

Saturday involved some errands and more studying, groceries, and generalized nubbery (don’t ask). I got a really great spin session in (whooooo I was dripping. It was not attractive). And I have proof of said spin sesh, because I felt the need to document it to celebrate my induction into the I’m Fit Possible community!!

im fit possible badge

I am so chuffed to join the many inspirational members to spread the word that health is more than a piece of kale, and fitness is more than HIIT training; it is a conflagration of body, mind, and soul to reach further and to accept only the limitations of physics (ie, teleportation is not an option. Yet.). They (the I’m Fit Possible Community) say that they like sass. If only they knew 😉 The Swirlgear girls have found out along with the rest of you that I don’t do “quiet.”

sneak attack

IFP, you have been warned. But it is toooooo late.

Great dinner Saturday night while Alex went and abused himself with 2 hours of intense basketball. I stayed behind and made myself a sweet potato, avocado, spinach, tomato, and jalapeno chicken sausage bowl (squeeze of lime for the win). Also, you know that your husband is a ninny when he looks at you like you are crazy for suggesting he put peanut butter or avocado on his (giant) sweet potato (that you roasted for him). Ignorant, uneducated, or both? Likely just dumb–I’ve talked about/done this in front of him before. Somehow I have survived nearly a year of marriage to this man-boy. HOW?

Sunday was another great day–the idiot weather held off until 11–just enough time for me to get in my longest run since my hamstring injury! I made my way through 7 miles with a minimum of discomfort and a huge smile on my face as I pushed tired legs that only felt better as the miles pushed by. That said, I was tuckered when I finished. Oh, yeah, and #swirlselfie.

I love my #Swirlfamily. #swirlon

I love my #Swirlfamily. #swirlon

PS, you guys? That hat? Is AWESOME. Nice ventilation, cute, comfy, and, yes, SASSY. I also wore my new Athleta Pulse shorts for both my runs this weekend and love them.

Defyances ruled the day today, and I think that the Ravennas might contribute to the discomfort, but still working on figuring that out. I am going to take my shoes with me to the packet pickup for the Lakefront 10 miler (the one on Tuesday is at Universal Sole, so I figured I would knock a few tasks out at once: bib pickup, shoe, check, and picks and a review for Ramblen!). Yeah, go ahead and say it: I’m a genius.

Panera for lunch to treat myself:

You Pick 2 with Chicken Noodle soup and Thai Chicken Salad. Whoever was in charge today nailed it--perfect amounts of evvverything.

You Pick 2 with Chicken Noodle soup and Thai Chicken Salad. Whoever was in charge today nailed it–perfect amounts of evvverything.

Then it got cold and I retreated home. And ate more. Because it was Long Run Sunday, right? And I did a long run, right? And then I undulated in and out of sleep on the couch for an hour. Gggglllloooorrrryyyy. Alex had another bball game (he did great, but they lost), so I studied and fixed a studly dinner: chicken parm with quinoa. Basically, my take on the Healthy Chicken Parm from Protein Bar. But not costing $7 (or more?).  WINNING. Also winning? I should hopefully start my Yoga For Trade program this week!!!! ALLTHEYOGA.

After dinner? We watched The Sound of Music. Not. Lying. His suggestion as we browsed through.

soundofmusic nuns meme

Moments like those remind me while I married him. Even if he doesn’t understand how to properly balance healthy fats, carbs, and deliciousness.

When was the last time you watched The Sound of Music? Do you know all the words, like a proper girl?

Tell me a sunshiney moment of the weekend–whether literal, or figurative: what put a smile on your face?

Thanks, Katie!

Thanks, Katie!

#TheLongRun Series: Live the Suzlyfe

I got my mojo back this week (I rebooted) after a little lull and pity party a week ago.

Maybe I found my strong. Or at least started to.

Maybe I found my strong. Or at least started to.

No, things are not all roses and sun-out-of-your-a$$, but I’m definitely back to the forward direction. Because my mom is going to give birth to a bovine if I don’t fill you all in, here are some of the fitness/professional/personal developments on the Suzlyfe horizon:

1) Running update. So I have a few different ideas as to what is going on. One is that my ankle/arch basically locks up–I noticed while running on Wednesday that I was having a great deal of difficulty dorsiflexing my foot (flexing my foot) when running. That is definitely causing me issues and my calf to over-work. Furthermore, remember last week when I thought I had Chataranga ankle tendonitis? It is definitely connected–my big toe is definitely overworking/underworking, and it is forcing my calf to pick up the strain. Actively focusing on engaging my glutes (basically I look like a constipated duck) helps quite a bit, but my calf still feels tight not that far into my run.

Not like this, but it makes me laugh every time.

Not like this, but it makes me laugh every time.

So right now, I am wearing my Pro Compression sleeves/socks while I run, or taping with Rocktape, and high stepping (ish) with a lot of concentration on my form. I have also noticed that in 2 of the 3 runs that I have done since this problem has come to light, that I have been wearing my precious Ravennas rather than my Defyances. Could be coincidence, but we shall see. Regardless, I shan’t be leaving my Brooks anytime soon.

Dear Brooks. Send me stuff.

Dear Brooks. Send me stuff.

The calf tightness Wednesday became more of a soreness afterwards, but yoga didn’t seem to impact it at all, and icing helped. The next day (Thursday) it continued to improve, and Friday I ran again. Calf tightness arose not even a full mile in, but was significantly less. So, after talking with Alex, the plan is to work on releasing my arch and ankle before I run and to continue running–this might be a strength and conditioning issue. When you do things like the spin bike, you maintain cardiovasc fitness/endurance, but you are not getting the same movement through your ankle. So we are going to play with it. I have 6 months until my marathon–plenty of time to figure things out. And whether I run it or not, I have paid for it (there is no transfer/deferral option). So that’s that!

2) Professional. So I’ve made some interim business cards for me to hand out to businesses and bloggers and things (I decided that if I want to work in fitness, I probably shouldn’t give them cards with “Architectural History/Historic Preservation” on them). I will get new cards once I get my NASM, but these will serve until then. I’m not going to put up a pic for security reasons, but they aren’t too exciting, really.


Zoe is not impressed

One thing on them that is kinda exciting and fun? A simple phrase :

Live the Suzlyfe.

What does that mean?

And if nothing else, can they really say no to this?

And if nothing else, can they really say no to this?

You know what it means (ice cream). But fine, I will spell it out for you. In due time.

3) NASM (duh). It is weird relearning and re-structuring how I think of fitness. So much of what I am reading and learning makes a great deal of sense, but it is difficult recontextualizing the information into a given program that has a given organization and progression. And it isn’t easy to learn it on your own. But luckily, I have had some amazing people in my fitness past, so I have an excellent background.

I said backGROUND. Not back. Though it did look pretty good there.

I said backGROUND. Not back. Though it did look pretty good there.

OH! And I am getting CPR certified through my apartment building! They randomly sent out an email for a CPR course at my apartment complex in a week and a half, so BOOM CPR cert (to be) done!

4) Yoga. So I have been going on and on and on about how much I love CorePower and my girls Kayla and Linnea, and how upset I was to have to give up something that I have come to love so much. Well, let’s just say that good things happen when you are ready for them. I went to yoga on my bday (after the run), decided to do a lighter class with Kayla, and then Linnea and I started talking before the C2 class (she was teaching it right after), and I mentioned my situation. Linnea was like, “You’ve heard of our Yoga for Trade program, right?” Uh, no.

A legitimate question.

A legitimate question.

So the short and short of it is that, if accepted, I will go in to CPY 1/week, clean for 3 hours, and I get unlimited yoga Black Tag membership and discounts on yoga training. YES.

5) Yoga Sculpt. I continued talking to Linnea and she asked if I had considered being a teacher. Yes, I did, but it was $$$. Well the YFT program gives me a discount (which helps but it’s still expensive). Anyhoo. I don’t have to have the full yoga teacher training to teach yoga sculpt, which basically merges power yoga and strength training. YES. It is a 40 hour course, and there are 2 sessions coming up: May (which I likely can’t do because of travel) and September (which Linnea is teaching at my studio). And she said that I shouldn’t have much trouble getting hired by CPY, especially with my CPT, and they are always expanding and looking for people to do stuff like that. DONE.


6) Friends. I obviously have you guys, but I need some girls here, too. And I think Linnea and Kayla are my type of people. I would be happy to clean for 3 hours in order to get free yoga and girl time.

Twee is ma fwend.

Twee is ma fwend.

7) Blog. I am going to continue trying to grow the Suzlyfe. I have recently applied to some ambassadorships (as in, I applied Friday), and I think they could be real opportunities for me to get some clout both in the personal and professional world. The Suzlyfe is still finding out what she wants to be when she grows up–I think that these ambassadorships could help with that.

And before you ask, no, we are not talking BIG time ambassador ships with my loves Brooks or Procompression. These are more community ambassadorships. I will sadly not be receiving an shoes in a spaceship any time soon.

8) Blog/Personal. I need to get back to cooking and developing fun ways to fuel this lyfe. You all know I have hilarious tastes, and I have gotten a bit out of practice and motivation to try new things. For shame! I dream up things all the time, but I haven’t done much about it of late.

I need more of this type of flava in the kitchen

I need more of this type of flava in the kitchen. Chelsea Patricia Photography

As you can see, I am on the cusp of several little things that, when combined, hopefully will lead to some BIG changes. I know that I have a pretty large learning curve ahead of me, but I like to think that I am pretty smart (at least, I am a pretty smart-a$$). So, we’ll just have to see if I finally conquer (my) world, or if I fall right back on my bum. One thing is for sure, though: I am not going back to waiting tables. Been there, done that (and yes, I did keep one tshirt and my aprons, but I gave away the shoes and the other shirts). Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go learn how to torture people and get paid to do it. Actually, I should get paid to teach people that.

stronger kelly

Have  you ever had to try to completely redefine yourself professionally? To be the person in the business world that your personal life had been telling you to be for a long, long time? 

Give me a fitness/health status update. Where is your running/lifting/yoga, right now? What are you struggling with, and how are you feeling accomplished?