The Long Run: New Month, New Plan 2.0

I had started to write a post about my experience at the Marine Corps Marathon, but that is going to necessitate a weedwacker, or else you all are going to get a novel. I’ve talked about Swirlgear so much that I am going to give you all a break for a bit and then WHOMP you over the head with it in April, suckas…SNEAK ATTACK

sneak attack

Once again, we are at the beginning of a new month, and in need of a new plan.  Last month? It was about respecting the rest that my body needed to heal. This month? Same idea, different application.

Let’s start with the big news: I ran yesterday. If you missed the Tweet, I ran 4 miles: 1 for Caitlin, 1 for Danielle, 1 for Alex, 1 for my mom, and all of them for me. I took my time, was paranoid as &^$ during the whole thing, but had an amazing time. I felt very tight, even though I took so much time to stretch out beforehand, and I went to yoga that afternoon, which really helped (obv, I also stretched out after the run).

How did 4 miles outside feel after 5 weeks off? Not bad at all! No pain I have stretching discomfort, and things don’t feel 100%, but I know it is the result of remodeling, rather than injury. But I have no pain when I run, so I am going to soldier on. I felt some fatigue, but no pain.

A friend and I were talking recently about the tendency in the fitness blogging community to come back from an injury and immediately RUN ALL THE MILES. I realize that “short” runs are relative to everyone—for marathoners, short runs are 4 miles, for the recreational runner, a mile is a short run. And I obviously totally respect that—I used to be that recreational runner! Two years ago (in January of 2012) I had my longest run ever of >6 miles. And after the injuries of the past year, you better believe I respect and cherish every mile that is given to me. And I want to be able to run every mile that is put in front of me. How do I aim to achieve this? By not immediately running 8 miles and going to a spin class or killing myself. I chose to go to yoga, after stretching and resting for a bit, and look for ways to detox my body and open up my hips. In the past? Maybe I would’ve been stupid, and overdone it. But now? It’s just not worth it. I have a half marathon in 2 months, and we will cross that bridge when we get to it. For now? The big picture, the long run, is focused on Twin Cities.

twin cities

Unfortunately, a fly is in the ointment:

Monkey wrench, into the works.

Monkey wrench, into the works.

I lose my yoga membership at the end of this week, and I have 1 last session of PT before I have to go back to the doc and get a new prescription. I don’t have a job right now, and between Remicade infusions and paying for my CPT certification, yoga just isn’t on the table without a serious discount. Not that we are broke, we just need to be smart. PT, to me, is a necessity. So I will go back to the doc for a chat after I have run for a few weeks.

SOOOOO the plan, stan: I am going to live it up at yoga this week and keep my running to a minimum. I have my last PT session, and I am going to pound the floor and cry and carry on until they agree to just let me stay there. Probably will also do that with yoga, too.

So 4 miles yesterday. Looking for 4 miles maybe Monday, maybe Sunday, but only if everything feels copasetic. Yoga all the time. Easy (medium resistance, high turnover) spinning, and PT by myself alllll the time. Last PT session, run later in the week. Absolutely no more than 12 miles in 7 days. HEAR THAT, SUZ? NO MORE THAN 12 MILES IN 7 DAYS. Then re-evaluate and go from there.

I want my partner in crime back.

I want my partner in crime back.

And something else—I need to stop sitting so much. This will be helped by the potential change towards nicer weather (though I will believe it when I see it), but sitting so much is a)not good for my health/circulation and b) leads to tighter hip flexors. Which I am good enough at creating on my own, thankyouverymuch. Not sure how to not sit so much when I have to be studying and such, but I will find a way.

Now, it is time for some wild blueberry egg white oats. NOMNOMNOMNOM.

Tell me about your current trials and tribulations with running/being active in general?

Do you find yourself limited by your body? Your schedule? Your desire? What is your plan to move forward?


About SuzLyfe

Live Life Beyond Expectation. In compression pants. NASM CPT, Runner/fitness junkie, kitchen explorer, opinionated opinionater. I show Crohn's Disease who's boss everyday. #FitFluential #SweatPink #GirlsGoneSporty #Ramblen #CCFAteamchallenge

Posted on March 29, 2014, in Lyfe, The Long Run and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. Right now I find myself with a lot of time on my hands but once I start working full time I’m afraid of slacking lol hopefully I can keep up with my goals!

    • It’s funny-I do better with having the pressure on, rather than off. So I’m trying to regiment myself with regards to studying, training, rehab so I don’t slack off.

  2. your mommy, Clare

    This isn’t really a reply, per say, but rather the sharing of a new opportunity for me to watch serious athletes in action.

    First, Suse, thank you for my mile—I really loved that, seriously! I got a mile and I didn’t have to get off of the sofa!

    Tomorrow is the Ironman Los Cabos 2014– which will be right out of our front door. We will see the swimmers from a distance, but both the biking and the marathon portions will go up and down our street all day. Our road will be closed all day, starting at 6 tomorrow morning–sunrise is at 6:14.

    I’m going to glue myself to the railing and have wonderful long view of parts of the race for hours!

    For the past two years, we have had a friend who has done this Ironman. Joyce has placed in the top 3 in her age group both times. She is here now to participate tomorrow…..however….. she tried too hard to come back too quickly from an hamstring injury, and her hopes for this Ironman have been crushed. She can barely walk—as she put it, she didn’t listen to her body and now she has to pay the big price.

    We have to listen to what our bodies tell us, whether we want to hear what they have to say or not.

  3. I love that your mom commented on this, so supportive and awesome! I go through such phases in running, between training for races and then taking weeks and even months off. I am looking forward to getting back into it 🙂

    • Thanks 🙂 my mommys pretty BA. She was nervous about “giving me my space” and I was like GO FOR IT MOM! I love her comments-I could prob go into more detail when she comments, but I read a lot into it 🙂
      I am ready to move forward to being not only a better runner but a better athlete and to apply my knowledge to my career as a personal trainer. I think the balance from phased training gives us all a great perspective!

  4. I freaking HATE how expensive yoga is. Ridiculous. I love it but at nearly $20 PER CLASS just. ugh. If you can motivate yourself to get your yoga on at home the All-in Yoga app is pretty good. I prefer classes but when I’m being cheap it works 🙂

    Running and I are up and down. This week was WAY better than last, but my body was not pleased with my attempt at a long run today. Boo. But I’ll try it again tomorrow 🙂

    • You be careful now, ya hear?? And don’t we both know that for how “free” this sport is it is actually $$$. Amazing to me. My problem totally is the motivation–I honestly don’t even need the app, because I know the flows so well. And I miss the heated classes.
      But you and I, we will OWN THE STREETS. Once our bodies allow it.

  5. First, love your mom. Her comment and comment name is awesome. Second, I’m so glad that you are taking things easy. I know that I get all crazy without running until it’s all that I can think about and then my first instinct is to run like I’ve been dreaming about. But that only leads to injury and more downtime, which is not cool. I’m definitely going to be incorporating yoga into my routine more now, especially as I start faster training for the marathon – when I neglect it, that’s when I get injured!
    And yay for your run!

    • I love my mom too. She is honestly one of the absolute best people I know. Alex is one of the other. Believe me–they have to be in order to deal with me all the time. Either that, or they are simply insane.
      Yoga is so excellent, just don’t over do it, either–I’ve learned that the hard way,too!

  6. glad you were able to get back to running!My current tribulation is that I need to start running again but have been lifting for a few months and now don’t want to give that up for running! Because I’m awful atb alancing both haha. Also, I ran a 5K this weekend and my shins were really hurting after. I wonder if I will ever be able to run 100% pain free??

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