I Gotta Figure that Out #MIMM

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Before I commence, I want to throw this out there: I am thinking about/exploring options re: moving to self hosted/registering my domain. I figure, if I am going to do this, I should do it before things get too out of hand. Any advice? What do you all use? Did you hire someone? Cost? If you don’t feel comfortable talking about it below, shoot me an email (suzlyfe@gmail.com). I would greatly appreciate it.



Hi, Friend.

Hi, Friend.

You lushes. Audrey would not approve. One of the best Google Doodles ever, btw.


How about a Marg Gu Chomp? I think I will have a limey something for breakfast. Or just some Resposado.

I know that many of you had crazy, jam packed weekends with alllll sorts of races, and I am starting to lose track of who all has/hasn’t run/raced, so I am going to say, please post in the comments and brag on yo’self. I’m not going to embarrass myself or make anyone feel less than loved by forgetting anyone. Make my day even more MARVELOUS than a MORNING MARGARITA!!!

Thanks, Katie!

Thanks, Katie!

PS. My parents are in Cabo today (they come back home for good tomorrow). Methinks they planned this, and I am jealous.

Weekend catch up!

If you missed it, Friday I became an Ambassador for Sweat Pink! Because I need more color in my life…. #iamsusie #idontdoquiet


Saturday, I reminisced about my life before running. And I wanted to add another picture to the mix! Here is PENNY!!

As my mom says, WHAT A DIVA.

As my mom says, WHAT A DIVA.

Still trying to find a Luna pic. Speaking of pictures, with switching my phones, moving in/out of icloud etc, I temporariliy lost ALL of my pictures. GUESS WHO BACKED UP ALL OF HER PICTURES APRIL 14th?? THIS GIRL. So, like with the phone, what could have been a really bad bad thing turned out ok 😀

Me giving Bri a serious talking to a few years ago.  HE IS SO SEXY

Me giving Bri a serious talking to a few years ago. HE IS SO SEXY

Other good Saturday happenings: I went for a run, nothing hurt (except for a random shooting pain in my hamstring, but that when away), it was glorious, and I needed it so badly. Then I went to the gym and did a short leg-machine circuit for the first time in ages. Had a nom nom lunch (yeah, I said it), Alex came home, we went for a looooong walk in the sunshine, and I had foot pain and then 2 random shooting pains in my foot and then the pain when away. I. Give. Up.

We came home, and I proceeded to get a horrific headache for the rest of the night, but still managed to make an awesome dinner of Balsamic Honey Mustard Salmon, Sweet Potato Chips, and Spinach Salad. Self Brag: Alex said it was restaurant quality. But he could have just been trying to get in my pants. Sadly for him, the head didn’t get better, and after ice cream (it was all I wanted at one point), I gave up and finally fell asleep. I slept like a rock until 4 am Sunday and felt a lot better.

I recently embarked on a major rehaul of my eating habits (adding and rejigging) that I will discuss later, but my body has really taken to it. Taken to it so much, in fact, that if I miss one of my “feedings,” I feel atrocious after I do eat–stomachache, headache, weird energy. Seriously, body? You would think it would be happy and behave a bit with me giving it more food. BUT NO. Instead, it has been demanding more and more food, more and more often. And then, when I don’t feed it every 2-3 hours, it throws a huge hissy fit. I mean. WTH?

pretzel compl

Before I go any further, I want to say a huge thank you to Lori at Getting Fit with Bipolar for being just a stellar person. I posted onto some of our ambassador page, and Lori took it upon herself to help me out without me saying anything more–reminiscent of another one of my favorite ladies, #mamasalt. Moments and actions like these are precisely why I applied to join these networks. No, it actually wasn’t for the self promotion, or to get cool stuff, or whatever. I reached out to feel a part of something more. And they have delivered. Even better? Both Mama Salt and Lori are Girls I’m Fit Possible, Sweat Pink, and SwirlSisters. LIKE MOI. GREAT MINDS. I am honored to be in communities of amazing people.

Speaking of, do YOU like Suzlyfe on Facebook? Because you should. All of the cool kids do. You know what the cool kids also do? They go over and check out Lori’s blog and Mama Salt because they are awesome.

The big ticket item for Sunday (other than some time in the gym and cheering on friends as they finished their races) was going through my closet. I decided that even if Chicago wanted to pretend that 40-50 deg days in May is okay, I would just ignore it and bring out my summer stuff. So I put on mindless TV (um, I am all for crazy, but can we discuss the insanity of the “Married to Medicine” women? All I know is that in the promos for the new episode, a woman shouts that “I will not come off CHARIOT  and throw tomatoes with you, sweetheart!” WOW) in the background and got out my plastic tub (classy, I know), and flip flopped some of the clothes. Not that it really is going to matter, as I basically only wear 3 things during the summer: maxi dresses, v necks, and shorts. (The workout clothes are as much a given as underwear at this point, so not even worth mentioning as a category). Some of my things are starting to get pretty worn, and I am thinking that it is time to retire them, but these are (of course) some of my absolute favorite pieces. Some decisions will have to be made. And I am also now left with a bag of clothes that need new homes. I even have some that have never been worn. I know I could consign them, but I’ll get nothing for them that way. I’ve gotta figure that out.

I also gathered/started to gather the things that need to be taken to the dry cleaners/shoe cleaners before we put them up for the winter. My hope is to convince Alex to participate like a good husband and get his jank together, but we’ll see. I think we’ll need another crate for that. Le sigh.

An outstanding thing did happen Sunday afternoon: I got to experience simultaneously 3 things that I didn’t think existed in Chicago, much less together: Sunshine, palatable temperatures outside, and BLOOMS. Oh, and not getting things stolen at Starbucks while sitting outside. HASHTAG WINNING.

sbux outside

Not too many big time events this weekend, but this week is going to be very busy, and next weekend as well. I will keep you abreast of any developments as they occur, but right now I have to wait some things out until I know how they will come to fruition. SUSPENSE.

Tell me about your marvelous!!!

Races/Runs/Yoga poses. This weekend. GO. I was going to go to yoga on Saturday, but then I saw my fave wasn’t teaching so it didn’t seem worth pushing my foot for. So I ran. Logical? Probably not. But it felt so gooood. Until walking with Alex after. But whatever.

What were 3 things that this weekend that created a pleasant surprise by happening simultaneously? Another trio? Alex, mid afternoon, walk in the sunshine.

Did anyone do something extraordinarily gracious and completely unprompted for you this weekend? I’ve said it before (when #mamasalt sent people over to the ol’ blog, unprompted, that I am constantly venerated by my decision to enter into this blog world–I have received nothing but love, support, and people going above and beyond to help one another out.


About SuzLyfe

Live Life Beyond Expectation. In compression pants. NASM CPT, Runner/fitness junkie, kitchen explorer, opinionated opinionater. I show Crohn's Disease who's boss everyday. #FitFluential #SweatPink #GirlsGoneSporty #Ramblen #CCFAteamchallenge

Posted on May 5, 2014, in Chicago Running Blog, Girls Gone Sporty, I'm Fit Possible, Lyfe, Marvelous, Sweat Pink, Swirlgear and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 28 Comments.

  1. I’m still trying to figure out these fitness Ambassador programs completely. I just became part of I’m Fit Possible and Sweat Pink too (love that this is something we share!!) and now am working to see what I should do next. I’m not always the most tech savvy. Your Sunday afternoon looks like perfection!!

    • I agree (re trying to figure out ambassadorships). The way I’m kind of approaching it all is to deal with things as they come, and in doses. Otherwise, it is just overwhelming to have all of these new people swirling around. I’ve pretty much gotten to where I want to be, for now, with regards to those types of things. Now I just want to get involved with the ones that I’ve accrued. But I really like IFP and SP so far and the fact that you are in them confirms the choice 😀

  2. Oh weird bodies. If I don’t eat every few hours I get a stomachache. I’ve noticed that any time I get to the point of actually being hungry, it’s too late and my stomach will hate me no matter what I eat. It only took me like 2 years to figure that out!

    • PREACH it–I usually have it figured out but the past 4 days….I DON”T KNOW. See, what happens with me is that if I get to the point of getting past hungry, and something sets me off, I just start crying. True story. But yeah, I am definitely an every 2-3 hour person.

  3. Your weekend sounded oh so relaxing haha I am excited to have a nice relaxing weekend this coming weekend!

  4. Good luck with self-hosting! I really want to do it too, but I’m worried I’ll mess everything up. Maybe one day…
    I also have to eat every 2-3 hours or I get incredibly hungry and eat everything in sight, and then I have no food left and have to go grocery shopping again. But I really enjoy going to Trader Joe’s everyday so I guess it’s a win, win situation?

    • I used to go to the grocery store every single day. And then every other day. Now I’m pretty much at every 2 days. That’s progress, right? I adoooore grocery shopping. And salad bars. And I eat a lot. Thus….
      And yeah, I am terrified of The Switch, but I figure, why not do it now, before I have scads of stuff?

  5. Self-hosting was a relatively easy switch for me from wordpress.com but I did pay for the guided wordpress transfer which I 100% recommend using. Some things are worth paying for! Blogging and self-hosting is such a learn as you go type of thing but I am glad I made the switch…As for my race yesterday, it went really well and I am feeling fabulous today!

    • YAY I’m glad that everything is feeling great today–I saw the Cinco de Mango coupon and ah so jealous (to make up for the less than stellar race bag). I will definitely be using the guided switch, as long as I can afford it. Thanks for the tip.

  6. I love that you could run (yay!) but not that you felt pain later (boo). I know you’ll get there, I just wish it was sooner for your sake.

    I love being self-hosted, but it definitely took so time to re-build back to where I was traffic-wise. But now I’m back and better so I’d say, in the long run, do it!

  7. Keep me posted on your self hosting ventures! I will probably make the switch towards the end of the year… but am clueless on where to start.

    • Will definitely do. Lots of people have great tips, so maybe I’ll do a little posty post about it. Or steal the one that I just did from the Pickster 😀
      And being Clueless would be awesome. I’m assuming we are talking about Cher Horowitz and Beverly Hills.

  8. I share this with everyone considering making the switch to self hosting. Girls a genius. http://www.thesmallvictories.com/the-dummy-guide-to-self-hosting-moving-from-wordpress-com-to-self-hosted-wordpress-org/

    I had someone design my blog for me but I honestly don’t think I needed it. She didn’t really do much for me besides create a new header which anybody can do. Do ittttttt.

    Also, glad you got that run in mostly pain free. Now if only those stupid random pains would go away, you’d be in the clear!

    • OK, yes Mistress Pickster 😀 And thank you so much for the link. I think that will be my project for the rest of the week, in and around various other nonsensical things.
      And yes, I do also wish the strange pains would go away, not just because they are annoying but also because I have no control over them, and no way to explain them. LE SIGH

  9. Boo for the headache but the rest of the weekend sounds glorious 🙂 I’m happy you got to be outside a lot, running and walking and sitting/enjoying the sunshine. I finished going through my stuff, threw a ton out, put the rest in bags, dd’d a beerfest, had two epic meltdowns on Saturday, stuffed my face with pancakes, cereal, and froyo, and ran my PR half. Not bad for a busy weekend 😉

    • Good lord child. And we wonder why we are always exhausted and our bodies are breaking down? And you know how I feel about that half marathon: TEAM CAITLIN FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRR
      Put on your shamrock socks now, please 😀

  10. Love your blog! I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check it out: http://www.bodyrebooted.com/2014/05/05/the-liebster-award/

    • Christina! Thank you so much! I am honored that you both thought of me and that you like my little lyfe 😀 I’m very much a fan of yours as well 😀

  11. You’re pretty ballsy sitting outside like that after what happened to you haha. Why must you make me laugh out loud at work?! “He was just trying to get in my pants” hahaha. Also, props to you for making restaurant-quality food while sick. When I feel bad I can barely heat up some fish sticks let alone prepare a whole meal.

    • I know, right? You should have seen me, how I was positioned. Also different Sbux, quieter street, against a wall. And my phone in my pocket. And I love making people laugh out loud and then explain themselves. One of my greatest contributions to the world are snorts of laughter in silent and inappropriate places 😀
      And hey, fish sticks are hard!

  12. #suzlyfe + #mamasalt love 4-EVA.
    You are extraordinarily gracious and lovely towards me ALL THE TIME. I hashtag YOU for that one.
    You know what? You are brilliant and I should have gotten some margarita GU for today. I wish I had some right now. It’s been that kind of day. (I had my margarita yesterday. Tonight I’ll be doing it all wrong with a glass of wine while I make Betty some pasta for dinner.) WHY IS CHICAGO SO FAR AWAY FROM ME? We need to hang out at Starbucks all the time.

    My three things? A street festival, a frappuccino, and my adorable family. I had Betty in the ergo carrier on my back and she was dancing to a steel drum band while strapped to me. It was adorable.

    It sounds like we have the same summer uniform. It needs to get a little warmer so I can start wearing those things all the time!

    • WE ARE TWINSIES. I agree to everything in this entire comment. I totally wish I could have seen you guys at the street festival. I probably would have died at the cuteness. And we have the same summer uniform because it is the only way to go. Other people, they are just trying too hard!
      How are the legs today? PS I forgot to tell you–my big grey horse Brian used to wear purple all the time. I assigned him the colors royal purple and silver, so everything I got for him were in those colors. He even had an “Equirobe” which is a terry sheet that you put on them after a bath. Bright purple and silver. (For Betty)

  13. Hi Suzy!!! I stumbled upon your blog and I absolutely love reading it everyday. Like you, I am an avid runner and a huge ice cream fan. I have to say I can relate to a lot of what you post on your blog 🙂 Thank you for being you! So my bragging is that I ran my first marathon last Sunday (April 27th) and not only did I qualify for Boston but I was third in my age group, 12 female finisher and 164 out of almost 4000 runners!!!! Yup totally just brushed some dirt off my shoulders *insert swag here* I read your post about the Marine Corps Marathon and how you listened to “By the Grace of God” by Katy Perry so I downloaded it and put it on my playlist. THANK YOU for that! That song came on at mile 23 when things started to get rough (running the last six miles into a headwind should totally be illegal at all costs) and it was just what I needed.
    Thanks again and pink is amazeballs! I bought those Sketchers Go Run in of course Bright Freaking Hot Radiant Pink! I think it makes you run faster when you wear bright colors!

    • Devon! Thank you so much for this fantastic comment! And CONGRATUFREAKINGLATIONS to you on your marathon! HOLY CRAP GIRL! That is insanity, and you should be so, so proud of yourself! BQ first time out! HOTDAMN. I’m so happy that power song helped you out. No, it isn’t upbeat, but I tell you what, it will get you through a lot! Please continue to comment whenever–I love hearing from readers!
      And yes, headwinds (in general and especially the last 10k of a marathon) should be outlawed. And beheaded. PREACH

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